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  • Breed: Huacaya

  • Birthday:  Spring 2009

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Carrots

    • Apples

    • Barale Alpaca Pellets

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Grazing

    • Playing in the sprinkler and mud



  • Breed: Huacaya

  • Birthday:  Spring 2010, Passed away May 2024

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Carrots

    • Barale alpaca pellets

    • Fresh Grass

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Grazing

    • Playing in the sprinkler and mud

    • Bugging Tukay

Apollo 2020.04.04.jpg


  • Breed:  Suri

  • Birthday:  

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Fresh grass

    • Barale Alpaca Pellets

    • Grass Hay

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Playing in the sprinkler

    • Bugging and playing with Apollo

Tukay 2020.04.04.jpg

I got Ben Apollo and Tukay together when they were juveniles, shortly after my first Alpaca passed away from Oleander toxicity. They came from a large show alpaca farm and were determined to be better suited for a pet life than a show life. 


They have served their jobs as weed control well over the years and also have been used to teach people about alpacas. 


  • Breed: Huacaya

  • Birthday: Nov. 27, 2013

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Grass hay

    • Barale Alpaca pellets

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Sucking on strings

    • Putting her feet in the water bucket

    • Visiting with Tristan and the pigs

Minnie 2020.04.15.jpg

I got Minnie when she was about 8 months only and only 35 pounds. Her mother had not had enough milk and she was runted and immunocompromised . She commonly had severe gastrointestinal infections and would loose extreme amounts of weight. She had to move away from her mom and herd so she could be in a cleaner environment away from pathogens and so I took her home where my old Nubian goat was her nanny. About a year later I moved the animals to a larger property and was able to adopt her mom (Chip Cheery). 

Chip Cheery had been very successful as a show animal and has gorgeous fiber quality. Her first baby died and at the time they did not know she was not producing enough milk. Minnie was her second baby and it was noticed at that time that she didn't produce enough milk to support Minnie's nutritional needs. So Minnie was supplemented with milk from a bucket but she developed obsessive behaviors to suck on objects and often would do this instead of eating. 


  • Breed: Huacaya

  • Birthday: ? Passed away Jan 2022. 

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Carrots

    • Apples

    • Barale Alpaca and Equine senior pellets

    • Fresh grass

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Playing in the sprinkler

    • Visiting with Minnie

    • Resting in the sun 

Chippy sheared 2020.04.22.jpg
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