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  • Species: Parrot

  • Breed:  Goffin Cockatoo

  • Birthday:  

  • Favorite Foods:

    • RoudyBush Bird Seed

    • Mixed seeds and nuts

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    •  Yelling

    • Throwing food to dogs

    • Playing with toys


Goffin cockatoos are very creative parrots and like to take things apart and use things as tools. While they can talk, their vocabulary is not as good as other types of parrots. They are also known to be very loud and like to scream quite a bit. Many people do not realize this when they get them and unfortunately many end up in rescues and shelters because people no longer want them after they learn just how noisy these birds can be.


Goffin cockatoos tend to have a lifespan around 40 years and needs to have a very interactive and social environment to be happy. Unfortunately, birds in poor living conditions become depressed and can develop behavior problems. 


  • Species: Parrot

  • Breed: African Grey

  • Birthday:  

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Peanuts

    • Carrots

    • Dried fruits

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Talking

    • Imitating alarms

    • Bugging Radar and yelling at him

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Bubbles 2020.04.19-1.jpg

African Grey parrots are one of the most intelligent animals and require an interactive and social environment in order to be happy.


They live a very long time (40-60 years) and are not the best pets for many households, so careful consideration should be given before getting one.


  • Species: Duck 

  • Breed: Indian Runner

  • Birthday:  

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Shredded lettuce

    • Cheerios

    • Meal Worms

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Playing in the mud

    • Taking baths


We got June with her sister Daphne when they were about 3 weeks old as they had been hand raised by a college student who lived in an apartment and could not keep them there as they got older. Unfortunately, June punctured her eye when she was about a year old and it was permanently damaged and so she could only see clearly out of one eye and had a very close relationship with her sister. They visited kids at Green Gate school for disabled children and loved people.


However, Indian runner dicks lay a lot of eggs and this can be very hard on their bodies. Daphne suffered from weak bones and had broken her wing and leg multiple times but recovered well. She then suffered form a severe fungal infection, which she survived as well, but later broken her femur and needed to be euthanized. June was depressed and scared to be alone and so Kay and Babbet were obtained at 2 days of age to keep her company. While she did not care for them at first, over the years they have become the best of friends and ow do everything together. June has since also broken her wing, but thankfully healed well. 

All of the ducks continue to change color. Each season when they molt their feathers they tend to have a slightly different color pattern. June did start off completely black and now is mainly white. 

Babbet and Kay

  • Species:  Duck

  • Breed:  Welsh Harlequin

  • Birthday:  

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Shredded lettuce

    • Cheerios

    • Meal Worms

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Playing in the mud

    • Taking baths

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