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  • Species: Feline

  • Breed: Domestic Short-hair

  • Birthday: ?2010

  • Favorite Foods:

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Sleeping

    • Chasing laser light

    • Eating

Meg 2020.04.12.jpg

Meg was dropped off on my family's country property when she was about 9 months old with a litter of kittens. I was away and a friend was pet sitting and found a friendly kitten roaming around. Thankfully she took it home and soon learned it had a seizure disorder. She was also a vet and was able to care for her. When I got home I found Meg and the rest of the kittens. She was completely scared of humans and would hiss and growl whenever I was near her, however, wanted to try and be friendly and knew I would provide her food. All of the remaining kittens were completely scared of humans and could not be touched. I had to trap her to catch her to spay her and she was already pregnant with another litter of kittens. Unfortunately, we lived on a busy highway and all but one kitten were hit by cars and passed away. Meg and the one kitten became friendly over time, but her kitten began exploring when he was about a year and a half and did not return home.


After that I did not want to loose Meg too so I coxed her inside and she became an indoor cat with my Siamese, Devin. She was so afraid at first she did not come out of he bedroom for a month, but over the years has adapted well. She lived with Devin for 10 years before he passed away at the old age of 17. After his passing she was quite depressed, even though she was friends with the dogs, so we got Sebastian to keep her company. While Sebastian has helped her out of her depression, by no means are they friends and he is quite the handful. Regardless he keeps her young and maybe in time he will calm down from his boyish ways and not bug her so much.


  • Species: Feline

  • Breed: Sphynx

  • Birthday:  

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Purina cat food

    • Chicken treats

    • Sneaking dog food

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Chasing Meg

    • Watching the fish

    • Playing with the dogs

Sebastian 2020.04.08.jpg
Sebastian 2020.04.11.jpg
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