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  • Breed: Belgian Malinois

  • Birthday: Estimated Aug. 2016

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Pupperoni treats

    • Broccoli

    • Artificial crab

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    •  Laying upside down on the couch

    • Playing with Sebastian (his kitten)

    • Playing with Fiona (his best dog friend

Lucca was rescued from the Stanislaus Animal Shelter when he was approximately 6 months old with an unknown history. We lived with a rescue group for about 6 months before he was adopted. While Belgian Malinois are known for high energy and working drive, Lucca is quite lazy and enjoyed a lifestyle of lying on the couch and watching TV.

Lucca 2020.03.30.jpg


  • Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi  

  • Birthday: July 25, 2014

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Cheese

    • Pupperoni treats

    • Broccoli

    • Cutie Oranges

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Playing with Sebastian (his kitten)

    • Playing with Lucca (her best dog friend)

    • Getting hugs

Fiona was a show dog in her earlier years and had two litters of puppies before she was retired. She enjoys a more quite lifestyle of living a quiet life with her other critter friends, sleeping and watching TV during the day.

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  • Breed: Balgian Malinois

  • Birthday: February 22, 2020

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Pupperoni treats

    • Milkbones

    • Broccoli

    • Carrots

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Sucking on his stuffed Bear while laying on a pillow

    • Playing with toys

    • Playing with Sebastian (his kitten)

    • Playing with Lucca and Fiona 

    • Getting hugs

Matteo's mom and dad both young Belgian Malinois, ended up the Vallejo Animal Shelter. His mom was pregnant at the time and a rescue group took her in to care for her and her puppies. Interestingly she is the traditional brown color, while the dad is pure black and had 3 brown and 6 black pups. The rescue group selected Matteo for us because he has a calm, sweet personality that had the potential to do well in our diverse critter home.

Matteo has done great since he was brought home at 8 weeks old. Lucca and Fiona have been great parents not only playing with him and teaching him sharing but also disciplining him when need be (but honestly they let hi get away with tons just like a spoiled child). 

He loves the other animals and Sebatian instigates chase, which does not help him learn not to chase cats. Matteo loves seeing the bunnies and chinchillas as well. 

He is incredibly intelligent and learned basic obedience from a very young age and is eager to always learn more.

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Matteo and Lucca 2020.05.06-1.jpg
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Matteo 2020.05.04-1.jpg
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