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  • Species:  Miniature Pig

  • Breed:  Yucatan 

  • Birthday:  April 2014

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Fig Newtons

    • Jamba Juice

    • Yogurt

    • Carrots, apples, banannas

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Rooting in dirt for worms

    • Getting a Bath

    • Sun bathing

Graham 2020.04.02.jpg

Graham is a Yucatan miniature pig, which is a breed specifically bred for research in the United States. In the 70's a group obtained a small number of pigs from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and took them to Colorado state where they were used to breed more pigs for biomedical research, as the pig has many similar characteristics to humans making them a useful translatable model. 

When I was a post-doctoral scholar in the field of cardiothoracic surgery we were investigating if stem cells could be used as a treatment for damaged heart tissue following myocardial infarct (heart attack). Graham was supposed to have a myocardial infarct induced and then have heart surgery to repair it, but we had 100% survival rate after the heart surgeries and Graham was the backup animal since he was smaller than the others. I had him since he was 4 months old and although we could have used him for a different surgery project he grew on us and was kept as a potential blood donor and training pig to teach staff proper low-stress handling techniques in pigs. Graham learned both verbal and had signals as early as 6 months old and helped train staff how to do clicker training and positive reinforcement in pigs to help improve their overall well being and provide positive enrichment in the research environment. 


He never had to be used as a blood donor and taught countless staff involved in animal care and research procedures. As he got older he started having intermittent occurrences of blisters on his back. Initially it was believed to be from sun burns but later identified to be an autoimmune condition call pemphigus foliaceus, which is also seen in humans. I was able to adopt Graham when he was about 2.5 years old and he moved to live in town with us. He loved meeting the other animals and loved to play, but couldn't live outside because he was so allergic to insect bits and was sun sensitive. He continued to have relapses of his autoimmune disease and each episode would be severely worse, which would be treated with prednisone, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.


Over time Graham's body built up more tolerance to insect bites and he became less sensitive to the sun. He is incredibly intelligent and learned how to take the door off his pen and would often get out and get into trouble so Graham moved out to the country when he was about 3.5 years old. For the first year he was in a completely enclosed pen and not allowed in direct sun and over time he tanned and his body adapted and he was allowed to he outside more with a shade cloth covering his pen. Rubbing in the dirt and laying in the mud is great for his skin and Graham loves the country life and getting to see all the other animals. While he has had a few minor relapses since then he is maintaining well and is an advocate for retired research animals. 


  • Species:  Miniature Pig

  • Breed:  Yucatan

  • Birthday: May 2017?

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Cookies

    • Yogurt

    • Apples

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    •  Sun bathing

    • Visiting with the other animals

    • Having baby oil rubbed on her skin

Bella is also a Yucatan pig retired from research. A previous coworker who had changed jobs from UCD to a different research laboratory in the Sacramento area contacted me and said they had a project cancel and had a 5 month old female Yucatan that they wanted to adopt out verses euthanized. Of course I could not turn that down and thought she would make a good friend for Graham. Well, turned out Graham preferred to be an only child and did not like her, but she is a wonderful, smart, sweet pig and is a wonderful addition to our crew. She is spirited and loves interacting with the other critters, as well as working on her obedience skills.


Interestingly she also start having blisters on her back at about 1.5 years of age, similar age to when Graham started having his problems. So Ms. Bella also has pemphigus and thankfully she was adopted by one of the few vets that knows Yucatan Medicine well and responds well to a similar treatment regimen as Graham. Bella absolutely loves people and loves to please. She knows basic obedience commands just like a dog and will voluntarily sit to get attention. She continues to learn and is a wonderful ambassador. 


Did you know Yucatans are extremely intelligent...

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