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  • Breed: Dutch

  • Birthday:  

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Carrots

    • Hay Cubes

    • Grass Hay

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    •  Sleeping

    • Running laps in his cage

    • Licking his stuffed bunny

Patton 2020.04.07.jpg

I got Patton in college when I lived in an apartment and could have my dogs and cats live there. He was a great bunny and learned obedience commands and loved doing agility. He got sick when he was about 5 years old with an infection in his brain from a pathogen called Encephalitozoon cuniculi. He also had a secondary bacterial and viral infection and almost lost part of his ear form a suspected bacterial infarct. Despite these severe infections he remained spirited, loved taking his medications and was a champ for both acupuncture and laser therapy. His CT scans were completely normal after and so there was no indication that any surgical intervention could alleviate his severe head tilt (torticollis). This condition is permanent and does cause some vestibular issues so he needs to be handled slowly and he tends to run in a counter clockwise direction, especially when he is excited. He has adapted well and is now a geriatric bunny who has done well in this state for over half his life. He still loves to play, begs for treats and gives his stuffed animal baths. 


  • Breed:  Lion Head

  • Birthday: 2015?

  • Favorite Foods:

    • Oxbow Treats

    • Cheerios

    • Carrots

  • Favorite Hobbies:

    • Naps

    • Eating

    • Playing with toys

Eistein 2020.04.14.jpg
Einstein 2020.04.07.jpg

Einstein was recused from a situation where the people thought he was a female and he ended up getting the other rabbit he lived with pregnant. He was estimated to be just under a year old at that time and so he was neutered. Unfortunate, he got an infection from his neuter surgery and needed intensive care after so I took him in and recovered well. He is a wonderful and social rabbit and even went to Green Gate school on a couple of occasions to visit with the disabled children.

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